Leptin-A peptide can reduce weight

Leptin (from Greek λεπτός leptos, “thin”), the “satiety hormone”, is a hormone made by fat cells which regulates the amount of fat stored in the body. It does this by adjusting both the sensation of hunger, and adjusting energy expenditures. Hunger is inhibited (satiety) when the amount of fat stored reaches a certain level. Leptin is then secreted and circulates through the body, eventually activating leptin receptors in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. Energy expenditure is increased both by the signal to the brain, and directly via leptin receptors on peripheral targets. The effect of leptin is opposite to that of ghrelin, the “hunger hormone”. Ghrelin receptors are on the same brain cells as leptin receptors, so these cells receive competing satiety and hunger signals. Leptin and ghrelin, along with many other hormones, participate in the complex process of energy homeostasis[1].

Although regulation of fat stores is deemed to be the primary function of leptin, it also plays a role in other physiological processes, as evidenced by its multiple sites of synthesis other than fat cells, and the multiple cell types beside hypothalamic cells which have leptin receptors. Many of these additional functions are yet to be defined.

Coleman and Friedman have been awarded numerous prizes acknowledging their roles in discovery of leptin, including the Gairdner Foundation International Award (2005), the Shaw Prize (2009), the Lasker Award, the BBVA Prize and the King Faisal International Prize, Leibel has not received the same level of recognition from the discovery because he was omitted as a co-author of a scientific paper published by Friedman that reported the discovery of the gene. The various theories surrounding Friedman’s omission of Leibel and others as co-authors of this paper have been presented in a number of publications, including Ellen Ruppel Shell’s 2002 book The Hungry Gene.

The discovery of leptin is also documented in a series of books including Fat: Fighting the Obesity Epidemic by Robert Pool, The Hungry Gene by Ellen Ruppel Shell, and Rethinking Thin: The New Science of Weight Loss and the Myths and Realities of Dieting by Gina Kolata. Fat: Fighting the Obesity Epidemic and Rethinking Thin: The New Science of Weight Loss and the Myths and Realities of Dieting review the work in the Friedman laboratory that led to the cloning of the ob gene, while The Hungry Gene draws attention to the contributions of Leibel.

It is important to recognize that the terms central, primary, and direct are not used interchangeably: Central vs peripheral refers to hypothalamic vs non-hypothalamic location of action of leptin; direct vs indirect refers to whether there is no intermediary, or there is an intermediary in the mode of action of leptin; and primary vs secondary is an arbitrary description of a particular function of leptin[2].

Dieters who lose weight experience a drop in levels of circulating leptin. This drop causes reversible decreases in thyroid activity, sympathetic tone, and energy expenditure in skeletal muscle, and increases in muscle efficiency and parasympathetic tone. The result is that a person who has lost weight has a lower basal metabolic rate than an individual at the same weight who has never lost weight; these changes are leptin-mediated, homeostatic responses meant to reduce energy expenditure and promote weight regain. Many of these changes are reversed by peripheral administration of recombinant leptin to restore pre-diet levels.

A decline in levels of circulating leptin also changes brain activity in areas involved in the regulatory, emotional, and cognitive control of appetite that are reversed by administration of leptin[3].

Karebay can synthetic leptin with Modified amino acids, so that scientists can knew more details about its molecular mechanism.

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Reference [1] Brennan AM, Mantzoros CS (2006). “Drug Insight: the role of leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology–emerging clinical applications”. Nat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab 2 (6): 318–27. [2] Greco SJ, et al. (2010). “Leptin reduces pathology and improves memory in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease”. J. Alzheimers Dis. 19 (4): 1155–67. [3] Lieb W, et al. (December 2009). “Association of plasma leptin levels with incident Alzheimer disease and MRI measures of brain aging”. JAMA 302 (23): 2565–72.

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