Cat. No. Name Size Price Add Cart
KI0748Lactulose10 g$324

Chemical Characteristic

Product NameLactulose
CAS No.4618-18-2
Molecular Weight 342.3
Chemical Name4-O-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-fructose
Chemical Structure

Biological activities

Lactulose is a synthetic, non-digestible sugar and is used in the treatment of chronic constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. Lactulose effectively diminishes the frequency of recurrent episodes of encephalopathy and permits increased dietary protein consumption, and can rapidly reverse acute portal-systemic encephalopathy (PSE). Lactulose is an effective alternative to neomycin the treatment of acute PSE as well as in chronic PSE. The difference in results induced by lactulose vs neomycin-sorbitol is in the degree of reduction in stool pH. With neomycin-sorbitol the mean pH is reduced from 7.0 to 6.5; with lactulose is reduced from 7.0 to 5.5. The mechanism of action of lactulose is based on the reduction of the pH of the intestinal contents that results from its degradation by enteric bacteria to lactic and other acids. [1] Increasing the dose of lactulose increases excretion of H2.[2] Lactulose is readily metabolised by colonic bacteria and is effective for treating constipation. Intra-colonic fermentation of lactulose is associated with production of gases and with colic, bloating, and flatulence. [3]


[1] Atterbury CE, et al. Neomycin-sorbitol and lactulose in the treatment of acute portal-systemic encephalopathy. A controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Am J Dig Dis. 1978, 23 (5): 398-406.
[2] La Brooy SJ, et al. Assessment of the reproducibility of the lactulose H2 breath test as a measure of mouth to caecum transit time. Gut. 1983, 24 (10): 893-896.
[3] Attar A, et al. Comparison of a low dose polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution with lactulose for treatment of chronic constipation. Gut. 1999, 44 (2): 226-230.

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