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KI0753Prednisolone5 g$232.2

Chemical Characteristic

Product NamePrednisolone
CAS No.50-24-8
Molecular Weight 360.44
Chemical Structure

Biological activities

Prednisolone is a corticosteroid of the class glucocorticoids. Prednisolone is used in the treatment of respiratory, liver diseases, organ transplantation, cancer and autoimmune diseases.[1] Prednisolone suppresses blastogenesis dose dependently with an IC50 of 79.7 nM. [2] Prednisolone inhibits TNF-α production in RAW264.7 cells stimulated by 1 µg/mL of LPS for 4 hours with an IC50 of 25.1 µM. [3] Prednisolone inhibits the conversion of partially differentiated circulating leukocytes to a state capable of mitosis. [4] Prednisolone suppresses inhibitory activity of neutrophils to mycelial growth of Cundidu albicans. Subcutaneous pretreatment with prednisolone promotes the development of C. albicuns infection in ICR mice and facilitates the fatal outcome. [5] Prolonged infusion of prednisolone leads to an altered distribution pattern of the circulating lymphocytes among the organs. Prednisolone has a pronounced inhibitory effect on the return of the lymphocytes to the blood. [6]


Prednisolone is dissolved to 30mM in ethanol, and diluted with complete medium just before experiments. [5]


[1] Shavi GV, et al. Erythrocytes as carrier for prednisolone: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2010, 23(2): 194-200. 閵嗏偓閵嗏偓
[2] Sugiyama K, et al. Comparison of suppressive potency between prednisolone and prednisolone sodium succinate against mitogen-induced blastogenesis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in-vitro. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2001, 53(5): 727-733. 閵嗏偓閵嗏偓
[3] Cho JY, et al. Inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 cells from Amorpha fruticosa. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000, 70(2): 127-133. 閵嗏偓閵嗏偓閵嗏偓
[4] Nowell PC. Inhibition of human leukocyte mitosis by prednisolone in vitro. Cancer Res. 1961, 21: 1518-1521. 閵嗏偓閵嗏偓
[5] Abe S, et al. A glucocorticoid antagonist, mifepristone affects anti-Candida activity of murine neutrophils in the presence of prednisolone in vitro and experimental candidiasis of prednisolone-treated mice in vivo. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 1996, 13(4): 311-316. 閵嗏偓閵嗏偓
[6] Bloemena E, et al. The influence of prednisolone on the recirculation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in vivo. Clin Exp Immunol. 1990, 80(3): 460-466. 閵嗏偓閵嗏偓

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